Electronic Press Kit
Press Release: (Jun. 24/15)
NIÁGARA - A Pan-American Story Press Release (view PDF in browser)
80-word Summary:
NIÁGARA: A Pan-American Story — 1824 — 20-year-old Cuban exile José María Heredia writes his immortal poem NIÁGARA on the precipice of Niagara Falls, forging a Cuban-Canadian connection still resonant today. Conceived and directed by Veronica Tennant, text by Guillermo Verdecchia, and starring René Millán and Paula Rivera, Heredia’s passionate and courageous story explodes onstage in a dramatic fusion of storytelling, imagery and music. NIÁGARA — inspired by the theme of Aquaculture, was commissioned by the TORONTO 2015 arts and culture festival PANAMANIA presented by CIBC, and will present its world premiere performances at the Ada Slaight Hall of Daniels Spectrum (585 Dundas Street East), July 23-26th the closing week of the Pan Am Games.
Approved Graphics:

Veronica Tennant - Director, NIÁGARA: A Pan-American Story
CREATIVE: Scott Thornley + Company PHOTO: Shin Sugino